Sermon Library

May 01 2022

Sermon Title: ""When Jesus Is With Us""

Scripture: Matthew 28: 1 – 8 & 16 - 20; Acts 1: 1 – 11; John 20: 19 – 30 (Sermon)
Delivered by: Edward A. Terry, Jr. CRE


May 25 2022

Sermon Title: "A Royal Priesthood"

Scripture: 2nd Corinthians 5: 11 – 6:1, John 15: 1 – 17; 1st Peter 2: 4 - 10 (Sermon)
Delivered by: Edward A. Terry, Jr. CRE


Nov 01 2020

Sermon Title: "“There Are Saints in Stained Glass, but the Best Are in the Pews”"

Scripture: Luke 19:1-10
Delivered by: The Rev. Jack D. Hodges on All Saints Day


Oct 25 2020

Sermon Title: "Safe Within the Fortress"

Scripture: Psalm 46
Delivered by: The Rev. Jack Hodges on Reformation Sunday


Oct 11 2020

Sermon Title: "The Allure of A Golden Calif"

Scripture: Exodus 34:1-4
Delivered by: the Rev. Jack Hodges


Oct 04 2020

Sermon Title: "Still Straining Forward – Not Made it Yet”"

Scripture: Philippians 3:10-14
Delivered by: the Rev. Jack Hodges


Sep 27 2020

Sermon Title: "Holding on in a Hurricane"

Scripture: Philippians 2:4-13
Delivered by: the Rev. Jack D. Hodges


Sep 20 2020

Sermon Title: "Grumbling in the Face of Grace"

Scripture: Exodus 16:1-8, 13-15 and Philippians 1:27-30
Delivered by: the Rev. Jack Hodges


Apr 12 2020

Sermon Title: "The Lord’s Prayer: A Pattern for Life - VI. “Living The Kingdom Life”"

Delivered by: Rev. Jack Hodges on Easter Sunday


Apr 05 2020

Sermon Title: "The Lord’s Prayer: A Pattern for Life - V. “A Time of Hard Testing”"

Delivered by: Rev. Jack Hodges on Palm Sunday


Mar 29 2020

Sermon Title: "The Lord’s Prayer: A Pattern for Life - IV. “To Forgive and Be Forgiven”"

Delivered by: Rev. Jack Hodges


Mar 22 2020

Sermon Title: "The Lord’s Prayer: A Pattern for Life - III. “The Necessity of Daily Bread”"

Delivered by: Rev. Jack Hodges


Mar 08 2020

Sermon Title: "The Lord’s Prayer: A Pattern for Life - I. “Our Father, Who Art in Heaven”"

Scripture: The Gospel: Matthew 6:5 13
Delivered by: Rev. Jack Hodges


Sep 22 2019

Sermon Title: "This Parable Does Not Seem Quite Right"

Scripture: The Gospel: Luke 16:1-8
Delivered by: Rev. Jack Hodges


Hamilton Presbyterian Church
5532 Harford Road
Baltimore, MD 21214
Located on the corner of Harford & Evergreen in the Hamilton-Lauraville community of Northeast Baltimore.

Join us
Sunday for worship


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